Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Action Freeze/Blur

5/21/2010, 2:02 PM F 3.2, 1/1000, Bannack Montana, Canon Powershot A720 IS
Josh/Freeze - To take this picture I set my shutter speed to the fastest speed possible in order to get a shot of him jumping off the steps in the hotel.  To edit the picture I started by cropping it to focus more on Josh.  I then did auto tone, contrast, and color.  Then I increased the vibrance to 78 to boost the picture more.

5/21/2010, 12:47 PM, F/8, 2 sec, Bannack, Montana, Canon Powershot A720 IS
Ghost/Blur - I set the shutter speed really high to capture the blur.  We shot this in the hotel hallway, where Levi walked across the hallway in a creepy way like a ghost.  To edit this picture I first did auto tone, contrast, and color.  Then I changed the brightness to 48 and the contrast to -48 to brighten the picture a bit.


  1. I liked the angle of the jump photo that you had. Super sick! I really liked how you took the ghost photo with Levi. He is pretty ghostlike...

  2. definitely ghostlike. I like how he's not a distinct shape, instead kind of a humanish blur. Josh looks cool too.
