Monday, May 10, 2010

Flora & Fauna

Tulips: 5/8/2010, Layton, Utah, f4.5, 1/100, Canon Powershot SD780 IS, adjusted shadows to -10%

Purple Tulips: 5/7/2010, Layton, Utah, f3.2, 1/250, Canon Powershot SD 780 IS, adjusted auto levels, auto contrast, and cropped

Miniature Ponies - 5/9/2010, Layton, Utah, f9.0, 1/200, Canon Powershot SD 780 IS, adjusted levels, contrast, color

Duck: 5/9/2010, Layton, Utah, f4.5, 1/100, Canon Powershot SD780 IS, adjusted levels, contrast, color

Cow: 5/9/2010, Layton, Utah, f4.5, 1/250, Canon Powershot SD780 IS, adjusted auto levels, auto contrast, auto color


  1. Your flower pictures are very vibrant! I think they look great. Did you mess a lot with your settings on your point and shoot? I also like the cow one with his picture on the wall. That was a great shot too. I like the good clarity you were able to get on all of them and such. Great boca on the purple flower. You duck could probably use some better composition. Give him some space to walk in the picture ya know. Other than that... great job.

  2. I love the flower pictures you took. The colors look really gorgeous and you really caught the light. I like the angles you used with the cow and the horses. Good job!

  3. The purple flower is amazing. It looks huge, and so detailed. I love how in both photos of flowers, not only is the aperture low, but the blurred items in the background accent the color of the flower that is in focus.

  4. I really like the picture of the duck. It up close and personal. It looks like he was comfortable. Is that at Layton park? My house is pretty close to it. That park has SO many ducks! I also really like the angle on the picture of the cow, it's a great shot.
